When I relaunched the Flour & Co blog this fall as a “baking lifestyle blog” instead of the “bakery blog,” I had in my mind that I wanted to do something special with my old team around the holidays. The holidays were a special time at the bakery and a time when our baking team came together to pull off some pretty amazing feats. It was a bonding experience, to be sure. Plus, bakers and holidays just go together. We had the commonality of genuinely enjoying the season, largely because of our memories and traditions around holiday baking.

a Flour & Co holiday flashback
Luckily, some of my favorite bakers from throughout the years were willing to join me in my effort to bring the Flour & Co holidays to life, and honor the good times that we had. I trust these ladies immensely around an oven, so it’s always a good day when we can swap favorite recipes. What I love about Christmas recipes is that they so often aren’t fancy or complicated. They are recipes that have been handed down (or will be handed down) and made year after year because they are delicious and memorable.
Three bakers joined me for our collaborative Thanksgiving post, so I’m grateful to have SIX of them come back to share the Christmas holiday with me. Their task? To fill in the blank: It’s not Christmas without this ________. And, here they are!
Here are their answers AND recipes revealed. Click through each baker’s link for the details, as well as a Q&A about holidays at Flour & Co and what makes their Christmas special.
Jamy’s Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake – Christmas morning and coffee cake is just the perfect combination.
Shelby’s Gingerbread Cake – a perfectly spiced and moist gingerbread is the epitome of Christmas baking.
Kita’s Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes – a must-have for the peppermint lover. You’ll want to beat Kita to the store for your candy canes…or you may miss out.
Kelly’s Pecan Crescent Cookies – her Grandmother’s recipe, a classic, is always in their special Christmas care packages.
Haley’s Spiced Chocolate Almonds – a nod to a childhood favorite, Mexican Hot Chocolate.
Jean’s Cranberry Apple Crunch – a crowd pleaser, and one that is always served at Jean’s family’s large holiday gatherings.
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas! May you enjoy every morsel and moment during this special time of year. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2018!
xo Emily and the Flour & Co Bakers
Thanks for sharing all the great recipes. I keep hoping you will share the one for egg nog pie too!
Thanks, John! 🙂