Holy moly, it’s getting busy around here. So much so, that my lists are piling up. I’m pretty sure that, in an organized world, you are supposed to have one list that you add to as needed. It’s just so easy to grab the nearest piece of paper when things pop into mind, or make a “today” list which expands into a “tomorrow” list. You get the drift. I’ve still got it together, but if anyone else tried to make sense of it, we’d all be in trouble.
So, instead of a beefy, topical blog this week, I have a laundry list of quick updates to share. Don’t you worry – I have lots of interesting things going on right now that deserve their own blog, so I promise more beef next week.
Topic 1: Construction week in review
Topic 2: Modern Baking Blog #2
Modern Baking is continuing their blog series on “the road to opening day” by featuring Flour + Co’s decision making process regarding equipment purchases. There have been some updates since our blog a while back, so read up for the latest on how we’re dealing with equipment. Feel free to strike up a conversation on the modern baking blog. I’d love to hear others’ thoughts on the equipment dilemma!
Topic 3: Fed Ex Small Business Grant Contest
Well, it wasn’t for the lack of trying that we weren’t picked for one of the Fed Ex grants. Thanks again for all of the help in voting. We’d be even further from winning if we all hadn’t worked together to get us in the top 100! Some really deserving businesses did win and they have some inspirational stories to boot. You can take a look here.
Topic 4: the Fancy Food Show
Did you know the great big Fancy Food Show is in town next week?? Yep, I’ll be there tracking down some vendors and picking ingredients and products to carry. Have any requests on canned or bottled bevvies?? That’s one thing I hope to cross of my list!
Topic 5: Hot off the press!
Look what came in the mail today??
Well, that’s it for my hot topics. I’ve been able to cross some things off my list as I post this. Sweeet!!
It’s all coming together! 🙂
(This is Marge aka Maggie, of Modern Baking)
Yeah, it sure is! Yikes! I was just over at the space and it’s mayhem today. I can’t wait to go back tonight and see all of the changes! 🙂